Announcing our First PedsCount! 2018 Keynote Presenter: Charles Brown

California Walks is honored to announce Charles Brown as a keynote presenter for our statewide 2018 PedsCount! Summit in San José, October 18-19, 2018.

Charles T. Brown, MPA is a self-proclaimed “street level researcher” working at the intersection of health, equity, and transportation. Mr. Brown has spent his entire career committed to the fight for more equitable, inclusive, and livable neighborhoods in the US and abroad. Always one to speak out on behalf of the voiceless and those who are most vulnerable, Mr. Brown currently serves as a senior researcher with the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center (VTC) and adjunct professor at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, both at Rutgers University.

Mr. Brown is a member of the Board of Directors of America Walks and the creator of their new webinar series, Walking Toward Justice. Additionally, Mr. Brown is a member of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Pedestrian Safety CommitteeTRB Bicycle Transportation CommitteeUrban League of Essex County, and the Region II Healthy Equity Council. Often invited to speak at many international and national conferences, Mr. Brown’s work has been published in several international journals as well as featured by or quoted in the New York Times, Streetsblog, CityLab and various other national and local media outlets.

PedsCount! is our biennial summit of advocacy leaders, community organizers, transportation professionals and policymakers from all over California. Thanks to the generous support of the Mineta Transportation Institute, this year’s event will land at the San José State University Student Union in Downtown San José.

We’re honored to bring you two days of conversations, presentations, recognition, networking and professional development opportunities that support our shared vision of a state that puts health, safety, and mobility justice for every Californian first.

Check out Charles’ webinar collaboration with America Walks “Walking Towards Justice”

Or watch his presentation “Barriers to Bridges”