Posts tagged Black Lives Matter
Meeting at the Intersection: Immigrant Rights and Mobility Justice
Communications, Opinion, PolicyAlma Leyva OrozcoBlack Lives Matter, equity, immigrant, mobility justice, transportation justice, youth, policy, pedestrian safety, transportation equity, staff, bicycle safety
Working Towards a Police-Free Future
Defund the San José Police Department
Communications, Opinion, Programs, WalkSJGuest UserBlack Lives Matter, Complete Streets, pedestrian safety, funding, equity, San Jose, WalkSJ, Walk San Jose, mobility justice, transportation justice, transportation equity
Q & A with Andres Ramirez: Reparations in City and Urban Planning
Communications, Los Angeles County, Opinion, Policy, ProgramsCaro Jaureguiav, convening, Complete Streets, bicycle safety, Black Lives Matter, pedestrian safety, equity, emerging tech, funding, immigrant, grants, grant funding, mobility justice, transportation justice, temporary demonstrations, micromobility, policy, transportation equity
California Walks & WALKSacramento denounce violent arrest of Nandi Cain, Jr., in Sacramento